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Have you ever heard of Geocaching? It’s an outdoor treasure hunt that’s gaining popularity around the world. Recently, I got into the game and started creating my own mini caches.

I purchased a set of three 70mm x 30mm round aluminum pill containers from Amazon. They are the perfect size to create mini caches that can be hidden in various public locations. To make my mini caches stand out, I loaded each container with a custom glass cabochon, a vinyl ‘First-To-Find’ sticker, and a small PVC charm surprise for younger geocachers (not pictured).

I have plenty of extra cabochons, vinyl stickers, and charms left to make more caches, or in case I come across any empty Geocaches that need refilling. This got me thinking – is there a market for pre-made caches? Let’s discuss in the comment section below.

Unfortunately, the rainy weather in my area has prevented me from going out as much as I would have liked this spring. But, next week, I’m planning to take my pups out for some camping, hiking, and of course, Geocaching. I can’t wait to hide my mini caches and get Luna’s Log-My-Dog trackable logged in as the first visitor!

Geocaching is a thrilling and challenging activity that’s perfect for adventurers of all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie like me, creating your own mini caches is a great way to personalize the experience and make it even more fun. So why not give it a try? Happy Geocaching!