Exploring the World Through the Eyes of a Retiree: AI, Tech Gadgets, Travel, and More!!



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Welcome to Keter.net, my personal blog designed with the help of ChatGPT. Join me on a journey through the world of AI, tech gadgets, computer technology, science, travel, photography, and cooking, all from the perspective of a retiree. This blog will be a brain dump, a diary of sorts, where I share my experiences, insights, and musings on the things that interest me the most. And, of course, my two furry companions, Luna and Chester, will be joining us on this adventure. So, sit back, relax, and let’s explore the world together!

AI Alignment: Ensuring Human Values in Artificial Intelligence


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I’m a retired sysadmin and AI researcher with a passion for ensuring that AI systems are aligned with human values. I believe that AI has the potential to make the world a better place, but only if we are careful to ensure that it is used for good.

One of the biggest challenges in AI safety is the problem of AI alignment. This is the problem of ensuring that AI systems have goals and objectives that are aligned with human values. If AI systems are not aligned with human values, they could potentially cause harm to society.

There are a number of different approaches to AI alignment. One approach is to use inverse reinforcement learning. This involves teaching AI systems to learn human values by observing human behavior. Another approach is to use adversarial training. This involves training AI systems to be robust to attacks by malicious actors.

It is important to note that AI alignment is a complex and challenging problem. There is no single solution that will guarantee that AI systems are aligned with human values. However, by working together, we can make progress towards this important goal.

Here are some of the things that we can do to achieve AI alignment:

  • Invest in research on AI alignment. There is a lot that we still don’t know about AI alignment. By investing in research, we can learn more about this important problem and develop new solutions.
  • Educate the public about AI alignment. The more people who understand the problem of AI alignment, the more likely we are to find solutions.
  • Engage in public discourse about AI alignment. We need to have a public conversation about AI alignment so that we can make informed decisions about how to develop and use this powerful technology.

I believe that AI alignment is one of the most important challenges facing humanity today. By working together, we can ensure that AI is used for good and not for harm.

ChatGPT vs. Bard: Which AI Writing Tool is Right for You?


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Greetings to all! My name is Steve and I’m the founder of Keter.net. By day, I spend my time basking in the company of my beloved dogs, Luna and Chester, while indulging in the occasional nap and camping trip. However, by night, I immerse myself in the thrilling world of artificial intelligence. As a passionate advocate of cutting-edge technology, I am particularly drawn to large language models (LLMs) and their limitless potential.

LLMs are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. They are trained on massive datasets of text and code, and they are able to learn and improve over time.

I’ve been using two different LLMs for the past few weeks: ChatGPT and Bard. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, including writing, translation, and coding. However, I found that it could be inconsistent at times. For example, sometimes it would generate high-quality content, and other times it would produce gibberish.

Bard is a newer model, and it’s still under development. However, I’ve been impressed with its performance so far. It’s more consistent than ChatGPT, and it’s able to generate more creative and informative content.

Here is a comparison of ChatGPT and Bard:


  • Pros:
    • Powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks
    • Easy to use
    • Free to use
  • Cons:
    • Can be inconsistent
    • Produces gibberish sometimes
  • My personal experience using ChatGPT:
    • ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, but it can be a bit of a diva at times. For example, I’ve tried very hard to get it to incorporate examples in a blog post, but it’s not always cooperative. Some days it will do exactly as I asked and rewrite the entire post, including the examples I asked for. Other days, it will rewrite the blog post with examples, but with the salient points I wanted to make removed, or it will simply never respond with the examples I’ve asked for.
    • However, I do like the ability to have multiple chats ongoing simultaneously. And the prompt database that you can peruse when clicking on new chat is helpful to create your own prompts. Overall, ChatGPT has been okay to use. It’s great when it isn’t being stubborn.


  • Pros:
    • More consistent than ChatGPT
    • Able to generate more creative and informative content
    • Still under development, so it has the potential to become even more powerful in the future
    • Free to use
  • Cons:
    • Not as easy to use as ChatGPT
  • My personal experience using Bard:
    • I like Bard’s default voice – it responds in a way that feels more natural than ChatGPT. Also, today is really the first time I am using Bard to fully vet it, but I am impressed with its memory during our conversation, it was very helpful when I expressed concern about how to save my chats vs. ChatGPT and gave me instructions on how to export my conversation to a spreadsheet. The best feature I enjoy the most is its access to the internet. This feature alone makes it worthwhile to switch over to using Bard full time to help me edit keter.net. Also I have found that it is best to be extremely verbose with your Bard prompts – don’t expect it to remember all the previous steps, give it all the steps in one prompt instead.
    • Overall, I am very impressed with Bard. It is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize the way we write and communicate. I encourage you to try it out and see for yourself

Overall, I think Bard is a better tool than ChatGPT. However, it’s important to keep in mind that Bard is still under development. It’s possible that it will become even more powerful in the future, however.

Here are my hopes for the future of large language models:

  • I hope that LLMs will become more powerful and consistent in the future.
  • I hope that LLMs will be used to improve the world in a variety of ways, such as by helping to solve complex problems, generating creative content, and providing educational resources.

I encourage you to try out Bard. It’s a free, powerful tool that can help you to improve your writing.

I also encourage you to leave comments and feedback. I’d love to hear your thoughts on LLMs and how you think they can be used to improve the world.

Thanks for reading!

Contextualized Lexical Embeddings: The Key to Accurate and Efficient NLP


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The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has made remarkable progress in recent years, enabling machines to interpret, comprehend, and manipulate human language. One of the most promising developments in this field is the emergence of contextualized lexical embeddings.

Traditional word embeddings represent words as fixed vectors, ignoring the surrounding context. However, this approach falls short since words can have multiple meanings depending on the context. For example, the word “crane” can refer to a bird, a machine used for lifting heavy objects, or Origami.

Contextualized lexical embeddings overcome this limitation by considering the surrounding words and phrases when representing a particular word as a vector. This allows machines to understand language in context, leading to more accurate and efficient NLP solutions.

Creating contextualized lexical embeddings involves training deep learning models on large amounts of text data. By doing so, the same word can have different vector representations based on context. Take sentiment analysis, for instance, which involves determining the emotional tone of a piece of text. By analyzing the surrounding context, a machine learning model can better understand the sentiment behind a particular piece of text. This is particularly vital for social media platforms and customer service interactions, where sentiment analysis can help companies measure customer satisfaction.

For example, consider a customer review for a product: “I love Apple products, but their customer service is terrible.” Without contextualized embeddings, an NLP model may struggle to classify the overall sentiment of the sentence. However, with contextualized embeddings, the model can take into account the context of each word and accurately determine the overall sentiment of the sentence to be negative towards the customer service and positive towards the product.

Another example of sentiment analysis is a review for a smartphone: “I’m really impressed with this new smartphone. It has great features and is easy to use.” Using contextualized lexical embeddings, the model can understand the context and determine that the sentiment is not just positive, but also includes a sense of enthusiasm. This is valuable information for companies looking to improve their product offerings.

Although the use of contextualized lexical embeddings is still in its early stages, it has already shown great promise in improving NLP solutions. As we continue to refine and improve these techniques, we can expect even more impressive advancements in the field of NLP. By incorporating contextual information into word embeddings, we can improve the accuracy and efficiency of NLP solutions, paving the way for new possibilities in AI and machine learning applications.

The Art of Geocaching: Crafting Mini Caches with a Personal Touch


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Have you ever heard of Geocaching? It’s an outdoor treasure hunt that’s gaining popularity around the world. Recently, I got into the game and started creating my own mini caches.

I purchased a set of three 70mm x 30mm round aluminum pill containers from Amazon. They are the perfect size to create mini caches that can be hidden in various public locations. To make my mini caches stand out, I loaded each container with a custom glass cabochon, a vinyl ‘First-To-Find’ sticker, and a small PVC charm surprise for younger geocachers (not pictured).

I have plenty of extra cabochons, vinyl stickers, and charms left to make more caches, or in case I come across any empty Geocaches that need refilling. This got me thinking – is there a market for pre-made caches? Let’s discuss in the comment section below.

Unfortunately, the rainy weather in my area has prevented me from going out as much as I would have liked this spring. But, next week, I’m planning to take my pups out for some camping, hiking, and of course, Geocaching. I can’t wait to hide my mini caches and get Luna’s Log-My-Dog trackable logged in as the first visitor!

Geocaching is a thrilling and challenging activity that’s perfect for adventurers of all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie like me, creating your own mini caches is a great way to personalize the experience and make it even more fun. So why not give it a try? Happy Geocaching!

Lake Somerville State Park: A Sojourn Worth Remembering


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Lake Somerville State Park is an idyllic location in Central Texas that offers a panoply of activities for those who wish to bask in the grandeur of nature. Visitors can engage in camping, angling, trekking, and more. I recently had the privilege of visiting the park and, despite facing some unforeseen impediments, the experience left an indelible mark on my psyche.

Soon after reaching the park, I noticed that the previous spell of rain had rendered most of the hiking trails unsuitable for use. The deluge had resulted in flooding that had considerably curtailed my exploration. Nonetheless, I did chance upon a breathtaking trail that meandered past meadows festooned with flowers and butterfly gardens, culminating in an observation deck that provided a panoramic view of the lake. The vista was spectacular.

One of my objectives for this sojourn was to engage in Geocaching, a form of treasure hunting that entails utilizing GPS to track down hidden caches. Regrettably, owing to the flooding, my hopes of pursuing this activity were dashed. I had recently procured a log-a-dog trackable for my canine companion Luna, and we were eager to mark her inaugural visit. Unfortunately, I couldn’t locate any of the caches, which meant that I was unable to record Luna’s first Geocaching adventure.

As I bid adieu to Lake Somerville State Park, I was more determined than ever to indulge in extensive trekking and Geocaching endeavors. My next port of call is Buescher State Park, where I intend to engage in primitive camping in a few days. I hope to explore some trails and, with a bit of luck, locate and/or hide some caches.

Despite the unexpected turn of events, my visit to Lake Somerville State Park was an awe-inspiring experience. The park’s natural beauty is spellbinding, and there is an endless array of opportunities for exploration. I eagerly anticipate my next visit, and I’m optimistic that Luna and I will have a more fruitful Geocaching experience next time around.


Deep Floyd Rejects


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This gallery contains 45 photos.

Explore a gallery of rejected AI-generated art created with DeepFloydIF. These rejects showcase the intersection of technology and creativity, offering a glimpse into the troubled mind of artistic AI. Discover abstract and digital art mistakes created through machine learning and neural networks.

Continue reading

AI Art Gallery: Surrealism


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Surreal Coffee Cups: Exploring the Dreamlike World of AI-Generated Art

Explore the bizarre and dreamlike world of Surrealism through a collection of AI-generated coffee cup images. Each image was created using different AI systems and unique prompts, resulting in stunning digital masterpieces that capture the essence of the movement.

The Artistic Revolution: How AI is Empowering Emerging Artists


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Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought a significant transformation to the art world, offering emerging artists a robust tool to express their visions like never before. AI systems like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney provide artists with the freedom to experiment with various styles and techniques to create unique and thought-provoking artworks.

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind the importance of respecting the owners of the original training data. It’s crucial to avoid infringing on their rights and take the time to understand copyright laws. Ignoring these legal obligations can have dire consequences.

Nevertheless, AI tools offer endless possibilities, and emerging artists should not be deterred. With passion, creativity, and AI tools, they can improve their artistic visions and redefine traditional art boundaries. By creating unique and original works of art, emerging artists can utilize AI tools in a respectful and revolutionary way.

So, it is my opinion that emerging artists should embrace AI and its power to help them achieve their artistic dreams. The possibilities are limitless when AI is used respectfully, creatively, and with a focus on originality.

Deep Floyd!


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Deep Floyd IF is a new text-to-image model that uses a deep neural network to generate images from textual descriptions. It is free and has a very supportive Discord community that can help digital artists just starting out with experimenting with AI image generation tools.

One of the main benefits of Deep Floyd IF for digital artists is that it allows them to generate high-quality images quickly and easily. This can be particularly useful for artists who are just starting out with AI image generation tools and may not have the technical expertise or resources to create their own models from scratch.

In addition, the fact that Deep Floyd IF is free means that it is accessible to a wide range of artists, regardless of their budget. This makes it an ideal tool for those who are just starting out and may not have a lot of resources to invest in expensive software or hardware.

Another key advantage of Deep Floyd IF is the supportive Discord community that surrounds it. The community is made up of artists, developers, and enthusiasts who are passionate about AI image generation and are always happy to help new users get started with the tool. This can be a great resource for artists who may have questions or need help troubleshooting issues with the tool.

Overall, Deep Floyd IF is an excellent tool for digital artists who are just starting out with AI image generation tools. It is free, easy to use, and has a supportive community that can help users get the most out of the tool. If you’re looking to experiment with AI image generation, Deep Floyd IF is definitely worth checking out!

(all images below generated with Deep Floyd IF)

AI Art Gallery: Expressionism


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Oops! I forgot to post a link to the gallery.

Expressive Coffee Cups: AI-Generated Images in the Style of Expressionism

Explore the bold and emotional style of Expressionism with a collection of AI-generated coffee cup images. Each image was created using different AI systems and carefully crafted prompts, resulting in stunning digital masterpieces that capture the essence of the movement.